Package: StratigrapheR 1.3.1

StratigrapheR: Integrated Stratigraphy

Includes bases for litholog generation: graphical functions based on R base graphics, interval management functions and svg importation functions among others. Also include stereographic projection functions, and other functions made to deal with large datasets while keeping options to get into the details of the data. When using for publication please cite Sebastien Wouters, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Frederic Boulvain and Xavier Devleeschouwer, 2021. The R Journal 13:2, 153-178. The palaeomagnetism functions are based on: Tauxe, L., 2010. Essentials of Paleomagnetism. University of California Press. <>; Allmendinger, R. W., Cardozo, N. C., and Fisher, D., 2013, Structural Geology Algorithms: Vectors & Tensors: Cambridge, England, Cambridge University Press, 289 pp.; Cardozo, N., and Allmendinger, R. W., 2013, Spherical projections with OSXStereonet: Computers & Geosciences, v. 51, no. 0, p. 193 - 205, <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.021>.

Authors:Sebastien Wouters [aut, cre], Adam D. Smith [ctb]

StratigrapheR.pdf |StratigrapheR.html
StratigrapheR/json (API)

# Install 'StratigrapheR' in R:
install.packages('StratigrapheR', repos = c('', ''))


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

3.01 score 1 packages 68 scripts 561 downloads 98 exports 46 dependencies

Last updated 2 years agofrom:aff0937f9e. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 14 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Create / Check / Manipulate lim objectsare.lim.distinct are.lim.nonadjacent are.lim.nonunique are.lim.ordered as.lim is.lim order.lim
Writes the names of the beds in a lithologbedtext
Sets the plot environment to draw a long vertical data setblackSet
Finds values in a vector directly above and below a numbercasing
Draws a pointsvg object around a given pointcentersvg centresvg
Change the dimensions of bedding jointschangejoint
Changes a pointsvg objectchangesvg
Clips a standardised pointsvg object into a given frameclipsvg
Create a list of symbolscollection is.collection plot_collection
Collections of symbolscollections oufti99
Converts x values having an index into n values defined by the same y indexconvert
Converts the axis following a given formulaconvertAxis
Fix Dipdipfix
Greatest Common Rational Divisordivisor is.divisor
Recalculates inclination in equal area projectionearinc
Draws an equal area stereonetearnet
Draws planes on an equal area stereonetearplanes
Draws points on an equal area stereonetearpoints
Encases two numbers between multiples of a given numberencase
Draws circlesencircle
Expands the TRUE values of a T/F vector to their nth neighboursenlarge
Suppresses every n th element of a vectorevery_nth
Inverts the intervalsflip.lim
Fischer meanfmean
Universal remainder functionfmod
Creates a new folder where wanted if it does not exist yetfolder
Converts a formula into a functionformFunction
Draws a standardised pointsvg object into a given frameframesvg
Sets the plot environment to draw a long vertical data setgreySet
Homogenise a listhomogenise homogenize
Ignores useless objectsignore
Finds the intervals encompassing valuesin.lim
Irregular windowingin.window
Fix Inclinationincfix
Draws rectangles with text in theminfobar
Identify whether the points of a polygon are ordered clockwiseis.clockwise
Check (bedding) joint objectsis.joint
Finds bed intervals in a "litholog()"-like data frameleftlog
Create/check lithologsis.litholog litholog
Remembers and outputs the result of a slow functionmemento
Method for merging lists by namemerge_list
Provides mid-points intervals in an ordered vectormid.lim
Adds an axis with minor ticks to a plotminorAxis
Compute Pretty Minor Axis Tick ScalesminorAxisTicks
Draws several polygonsmultigons
Draws several linesmultilines
Interactive user modification of the arguments of a repeated functionneatPick
Runs neatPick without user inputneatPicked
New legend elementnlegend
Find indexes for n identical elementsnset
Identify points in a polygon in reference to an octagonoctapos
Shifts the order of polygon pointsoctashift
Find the points of a litholog that are along a given vertical lineoutliner
Generates PDF and SVG figurespdfDisplay
Find a specific pattern in the code of functions in a packagepkgfind
Draws a pointsvg objectplacesvg
Describes planes by pointsplanepoints
Converts line, rect, polygon and polyline class SVG objects into data framesis.pointsvg pointsvg
Extract the profile of a lithologprofiler
Simplifies boundary indicators for lim objectsrebound
Converts pitch into declination and inclinationrepitch
Core correctionreposition
Plane correctionrestore
Rotation matrixrmatrix
Spherical rotation around fixed axesrotate
Gives the repartition of values for a log 10 scale between a given intervalseq_log
Sequence ordered by multipleseq_mult
Circular shiftshift
Joins and orders adjacent or overlapping lim objects of same IDsimp.lim
Gives a table of equally sampled points following a sinusoidal functionsinpoint
Extrapolate and intrapolate tie pointsstrat.mean
Remove instantaneous deposits and add thickness in
Compute the realtive thickness variations of sectionsstrat.var
StratigrapheR: integrated stratigraphy for RStratigrapheR
Data for examplesbed.example boundary.example chron.example example.ammonite example.ammonite.svg example.belemnite example.breccia example.HB2000.svg example.lense example.liquefaction fossil.example irreg.example log.loop.tex noise_emd proxy.example proxy.example.litho StratigrapheR.examples tie.points.example zeq_example
Draws the symbols of a collectionsymbology
Discretises lim objectstie.lim
Visualize lim objectsplot_lim trace.lim
Convertion between declinaison/inclination/intensity and cartesian coordinatestransphere
Combines segments with "litholog()"-like data frameweld
Changes boundaries segments in basic lithologsweldjoint
Changes boundaries segments in basic lithologsweldlog
Changes profiles in basic lithologsweldprofile
Sets the plot environment to draw a long data setwhiteSet
Draws connection lines to connect two points in yylink
Draws a Zijderveld plotzijderveld