StratigrapheR - Integrated Stratigraphy
Includes bases for litholog generation: graphical
functions based on R base graphics, interval management
functions and svg importation functions among others. Also
include stereographic projection functions, and other functions
made to deal with large datasets while keeping options to get
into the details of the data. When using for publication please
cite Sebastien Wouters, Anne-Christine Da Silva, Frederic
Boulvain and Xavier Devleeschouwer, 2021. The R Journal 13:2,
153-178. The palaeomagnetism functions are based on: Tauxe, L.,
2010. Essentials of Paleomagnetism. University of California
Press. <>;
Allmendinger, R. W., Cardozo, N. C., and Fisher, D., 2013,
Structural Geology Algorithms: Vectors & Tensors: Cambridge,
England, Cambridge University Press, 289 pp.; Cardozo, N., and
Allmendinger, R. W., 2013, Spherical projections with
OSXStereonet: Computers & Geosciences, v. 51, no. 0, p. 193 -
205, <doi: 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.07.021>.